Kim Podolnick, M.D.

East Hills, NY
Married, 2 children

Suggested the original idea of a Guys Named Kim web page.

Born November, 1950

Web Page:

I'm sure that many of us would like to contribute. You are probably aware of some of the famous male Kims who have been in the media... Kim Philby (spy), Kim LeMasters (former president of CBS Entertainment), Kim Edwards (former CEO of Iomega).....

UPDATE: I see the list has grown since I first suggested the idea to Kim Beattie, and I thought I should update my original comments.

I was named after the protagonist in Rudyard Kipling’s Kim. The movie version appeared in 1950, the year of my birth, and my parents thought it was a nice name. My two older brothers are named Neil and Mark (no confusion there). My parents deny they were hoping for a girl for their third child.

Many months ago I did an internet search and put in the key words "Kim" and "male". One of the websites returned from that search was Kim Beattie’s home page. I e-mailed him and suggested that he start a web page dedicated to guys named Kim to let the world know there are LOTS of us out there. I’m sure we have all run into trouble at one time or another with our first name. As others have since stated, the problems run from credit card usage ("Is this your wife’s card?"), to telephone conversations, etc. My wife’s name is Ellen and, when we are introduced to people, many assume she is Kim and I am Allan. I have the added problem of a last name which seems at first glance difficult, if not impossible, to pronounce. A double whammy!

I’m glad to see the list is growing! I like Kim Harwood Miller’s idea of a GNK sub area dedicated to the specific annoying and comical problems. I actually sometimes enjoy watching someone struggle to understand that Kim is actually my name. Other times I have no patience for it.