Kim Kalman

Braunschweig, Germany & Mallorca, Spain
Professional DJ and Music Producer

Born: Nantucket Island, Mass.

Web Page:

Hi my name is Kim Kalman. I was born on Nantucket Island Mass. I am now living in Braunschweig Germany and Mallorca Spain, and I am working as a professional dj and music producer. I have been living together with a beautiful German girl for 8 years and we are hoping to be married this year.

Growing up with the name Kim as a boy was not easy got in a lot of fights, people calling me Kimba the lion and Kimberly and so on..... Until one day when I was 16 and a girl said to me "Wow, Kim as a name for a boy is cool!" My life changed! LOL!

P.S. A guy named Kim, is better than a boy named Sue!