Kim Stebbens

Bellevue, WA, USA
Marine Professional

Born: Texas, 1957

Web Page:

I was named after a good friend of my father while he was stationed in Korea for the Air Force - also he novel "Kim" might have played a roll too - since the movie was popular in that decade.

The Northwest Spirit Breaks USA to Osaka Japan Sailing record.
Kim Stebbens wins the Cruising division of the 1999 Transpac.

How about a patent... or five...
Patent #6,795,888 - Installable logging modules in network servers.
Patent #6,256,031 - Integration of physical and virtual namespace.
Patent #6,134,658 - Multi-server location-independent authentication certificate management system.
Patent #6,061,692 - System and method for administering a meta database as an integral component of an information server.
Patent #5,742,825 - Operating system for office machines.