Kim Alan Taulbee

Location: Richmond, VA  USA

Occupation: Church Music Director/Recording Engineer/Producer

Born: Alton, Illinois 1955

Family Info: ---

Web Page:

Yep, yep and yep to all the stories guys have written. My mom says they got it out of a book of "current" popular names for baby boys. Sheesh, didn't last long after the mid 50's.

My favorite Kim story is this: Because my last name is impossible to spell over the phone ("BVD?") I usually simplify it when ordering pizza, etc. HOWEVER, when ordering Chinese take-out I always say "Kim" and the person on the other end is "oh yes!"

In an Old Testament Survey class a professor was making the point that when researching ancient manuscripts, you could date someone by their name. For instance if someone in Rome had a certain name, you knew it must have been after a particular campaign in which the Roman soldiers brought back that name. "Just like" he added "U.S. soldiers brought home the name Kim from Korea in the 19050's". If true, it explains a lot.